Back To School Countdown

The countdown to the first day of school has begun... Ashley at Lattes, Lesson Plans, and IEPs organized a back to school link up with a countdown of lists for the year. I'm a little late to the party, but I wanted to post my countdown because it's such a great idea!

I visited my classroom yesterday and began the first few steps of my classroom makeover. I think it's going to take longer than I anticipated. This year I get to move out of a closet and into a much bigger room. I am the first SLP in 5 years to stay more than one school year due to various reasons. When my principal asked me to be honest about the position and what I needed, I told her space. Sometimes as we are in a service profession, we find ways to "make do" with what we have, but I have learned it is always important to advocate, even if you are new to a position. Stay tuned for a post about my classroom make-over!

I send out a monthly e-newsletter to parents and some faculty. This monthly newsletter includes information about my 3:1 indirect service delivery weeks, upcoming school events, articulation practice and general information all parents need know.

Wishes are almost like goals, as they can be attained. Because no SLP has stayed more than a year, some parents were understandably hesitant to build a solid relationship. When it was confirmed that I would be returning, many of the parents seemed pleased (I hope I can live up to their expectations).

Because my sessions are scheduled back-to-back, taking time to retrieve each student can put me off schedule or cause students to lose a couple minutes of their time with me. For many of my students, a school wide PBIS ticket can do the trick, or even a sticker. I'm going to try using a timer and making my students responsible to turn on the timer for each session - we'll see how it goes.

Sunshine coming through my windows should help me keep this promise, but it's always important to smile. Smiling releases endorphins which actually can change your mood.

Thanks for reading my back to school countdown! It'll be here before we know it.


  1. This is great!! I love the idea of the giving tree and I know the parents are going to appreciate your efforts to remain in touch and build those relationships. I'm obviously not sure about the reasons for such high turnover, but I hope that this upcoming year is even better than your last!!


    1. Caroline, I love your Kudos notes! Thanks so much for sharing. That is such an awesome idea. Heading over to check out your Visual Strategies product now:) دانلود آهنگ های پرطرفدار جدید
