ASHA is coming!

Blogs, instagram and facebook are littered with posts about the ASHA 2015 convention. I am blessed to be able to say that with the help of one of my favorite people in the world I am hopping on a plane early Thursday morning and flapping my wings all the way to Denver (little girl squeal)!

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Odin says, "Please don't go mama!"
When I first realized that going to the ASHA convention was a possibility, my stomach grew butterflies. In grad school, I had the opportunity to present a research poster at ASHA in San Diego. I learned so much in that short time period that helped drive my career to where it is today.

The suitcase came out of the closet a week ago and ever since I've been putting outfits in and pulling them out. My grad school roommate is coming with me and I can't wait to hang out with her and "nerd out" all weekend.

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This August, during teacher workshop, I was talking with one of the special education teachers about how excited I  was to go to this convention. She began laughing and said, "You're such a nerd! I'm so glad you are doing this, but I would never do that with my personal days." Maybe I am a nerd, but I am thrilled to be able to meet so many more speech nerds in a couple short days.

My program planner is already very beat up, but after circling sessions and reviewing them on a nightly basis I have entered my favorites into the program planner app. It's really neat and I highly recommend using it. My favorite feature, which I'm sure will make my life so much easier this time around is that when you select a session, it will show you on the convention center map where it takes place! This nerd is impressed.

To celebrate this migration of SLPs and Audiologists, I am trying my first ever TPT give away! While I am not one of the popular bloggers  at a booth, I just have to share in my joy for this fun weekend. I will choose 3 lucky winners to have their pick of one of my TPT products emailed to them for FREE! On top of that, my entire store will be 20% off for the duration of the convention (Thursday-Saturday). To enter the give away, leave a comment on my blog or instagram with the product you would most like to win. I will pick 3 winners next Monday to receive an email with one product of their choice from my TPT store. IN ADDITION to this, if you happen to see me at the ASHA convention and you are interested in proof reading/reviewing my products prior to me posing them on TPT, just ask for my business card and email me. I get your opinion and you get a copy of my product for free. Not sure what I look like? Check out my TPT store profile picture.

I hope to meet some of you in Denver!

1 comment:

  1. Caroline, I love your Kudos notes! Thanks so much for sharing. That is such an awesome idea. Heading over to check out your Visual Strategies product now:) دانلود آهنگ های پرطرفدار جدید
