Dear Reader,

Dear reader, you are amazing. Whether you are an SLP, teacher, stay-at-home-parent, CEO, or just an amazing person you make a difference.
I want to tell you a secret. Sometimes, I'm afraid to write a blog post. I look around the internet and see so many blogs out there about speech therapy and wonder if my posts are just disappearing into the cloud. So, why do I keep writing?
1. I love to write. I always dreamed of being a novelist, but that is highly unlikely. I don't have enough discipline. I also really enjoy writing poetry.
2. You inspire me. Yes, you. I want to solve problems. I want to inspire and be inspired by others.
3. I want to share my journey. Being human is not always easy. Sometimes it's tempting to compare myself to others, and many times I do. Being honest with you and myself about this crazy journey called life is freeing. Sometimes I share the high points and sometimes I share the low points. My goal is to share this journey in its truth and reveal what's behind the curtain of the internet - a person.
That is why I keep writing. My hope is that you can relate to one or many of my posts. Keep growing, keep reading, keep inspiring.
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